In Drama, students develop knowledge, skills and understanding in making drama collaboratively by taking on roles and creating imagined situations shaped by the elements of drama, and in performing drama by actively engaging in drama forms. They also develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in appreciating their own dramatic works and those of others.
Years K-2
All students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and 2 participate in class drama activities with their class teacher. These lessons develop skills including creativity, enquiry, communication, empathy, self confidence, cooperation, leadership and negotiation. Most importantly, drama activities are fun – making learning both enjoyable and memorable.
Years 3-6
All students in Year 3-6 participate in weekly drama lessons with a specialist drama teacher. During these lessons, students learn the art of performance, theatre techniques and develop the confidence to perform in front of an audience.
Yr 6 Production:
The Year 6 Production is a highlight of the final year at Clovelly and is seen as a recognition and celebration of their time at our school. Students are taught theatre skills by an experienced drama teacher with the final product being 5 entertaining and rewarding nights for both parents and their children.